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12018Apple shine dimsBy GARETT SLOANE
Apple’s 390 stores remain the gold standard of retail — but they are showing some age spots.
Sales per square foot throughout the chain fell 2.5 percent in the year ended Sept. 30 from the previous year, according to regulatory filings — after growing more than 20 percent in 2011...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:53:04 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/apple_shine_dims_2hXUmGzX8XExaYYlbX95WJ?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Time to go for HueyBy KEITH J. KELLYBusinessJohnHuey, who was relaxing at the Time magazine Person of the Year luncheon yesterday, is expected to step down as editor-in-chief of the Time Inc. empire by the end of the year, Media Ink has learned.
Martha Nelson, a veteran of People and InStyle who is currently the No. 2...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:51:42 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/time_to_go_for_huey_QwCxk7RHru7WszB9PNkk2N?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Businesshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/time_to_go_for_huey_QwCxk7RHru7WszB9PNkk2N?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Business
Rochdale may be at the end of its ropeBy MARK DECAMBREBusinessThe future of Dick Bove’s firm is looking grim.Stamford, Conn.-based Rochdale Securities is struggling to secure a deep-pocketed buyer three weeks after a former trader, identified as David Miller, saddled the firm with $1 billion in “unauthorized” Apple trades that it wasn’t able to cover. CEO...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:50:00 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/rochdale_may_be_at_the_end_of_its_M2A0PHB4CKockqFivmFo4M?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Businesshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/rochdale_may_be_at_the_end_of_its_M2A0PHB4CKockqFivmFo4M?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Business
Taking a punchBy KAJA WHITEHOUSEBusinessManhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara’s latest insider-trading battle against a “fight club” of corrupt analysts is already drawing blood.
Prosecutor Richard Tarlowe told a Manhattan federal jury yesterday that former hedge-fund hot shots Anthony Chiasson and Todd Newman made millions trading tech stocks based on confidential tips gleaned from...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:49:32 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/taking_punch_YACofa5C3hc5or2xZkDJTN?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Businesshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/taking_punch_YACofa5C3hc5or2xZkDJTN?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Business
A $izzling sum for Scoop bldg.By LOIS WEISSCommercialHere is the scoop on Scoop.The prime Meatpacking District building at 430 W. 14th St., where Scoop has a 14,000-square-foot shop, has been corralled by Joe Sitt of Thor Equities for close to $100 million, according to sources.The 61,321-square-foot red brick loft building is on a...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:53:37 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/realestate/commercial/izzling_sum_for_scoop_bldg_6jrycoDTroRdtKNONpYomK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Commercialhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/realestate/commercial/izzling_sum_for_scoop_bldg_6jrycoDTroRdtKNONpYomK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Commercial
AMF Bowling rolls gutter ball
Amf Bowling Worldwide, the world’s largest bowling alley operator, yesterday filed for bankruptcy protection for the second time in 12 years, saying recent economic weakness has cost it business and left it with an unmanageable debt burden. The Mechanicsville, Va.-based company said it has agreed on a plan...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:48:11 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/amf_bowling_rolls_gutter_ball_8w7DKgK8CYMA8eULhtI7AK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Revel now a bad bet
Revel Entertainment, the casino that NJ Gov. Chris Christie bet on to revive Atlantic City, is struggling to avoid default as Hurricane Sandy’s effects depress already insufficient revenue.
The company’s $850 million, six-year term loan has fallen 37.1 percent this year to 52.13 cents on the...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:47:58 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/revel_now_bad_bet_8IDZWAscKawY6YivjAbqvJ?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Kors $ more than triples
Fashion company Michael Kors’ second-quarter income more than tripled, and the company raised its full-year profit view as it benefited from strong demand at home as well as Europe.
Kors’ shares rose to $51.01 yesterday...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:47:24 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/kors_more_than_triples_M4Xdc69umuNVugCCD7JRJJ?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Siewert in line at GoldmanBy MARK DECAMBREBusinessIt can take years to make partner at Goldman Sachs — unless you’re the bank’s new p.r. chieftain.
Hired only last March, Richard “Jake” Siewert, the head of corporate communications, could be among the 70 or so new partners the 144-year-old bank is set to announce this morning...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:47:07 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/siewert_in_line_at_goldman_CdugF2wX5HcUTqEUhRDu2I?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Businesshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/siewert_in_line_at_goldman_CdugF2wX5HcUTqEUhRDu2I?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Business
Sandy discounts storm storesBy JAMES COVERT
Hurricane Sandy smacked luxury stores last month — and now they’re showering shoppers with discounts.Upscale shops, led by Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue, are running clearances on fall fashions from top designers like Gucci, Prada and Marc Jacobs after the historic storm disrupted the start of the crucial...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:46:27 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/sandy_discounts_storm_stores_sewY2ihMl0OkiQPzhIBjHI?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Guild gives its nodBy KEITH J. KELLY
The Newspaper Guild yesterday overwhelmingly approved a new five-year contract with the New York Times, removing at least one potential headache for newly installed CEO Mark Thompson.
The past contract expired 20 months ago, and negotiations had grown increasingly tense.
The tentative pact was hammered out a week ago Sunday...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:45:34 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/guild_gives_its_nod_WfucIj1K4UCfQcBguQ2x6O?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Argentina: hear us outBy MICHELLE CELARIER
Argentina yesterday asked a federal appeals court to grant it a new hearing in its contentious battle with Paul Singer’s Elliott Management over $1.3 billion the New York hedge fund says the country owes it.Last month, a three-judge panel upheld a federal court decision that ruled Argentina...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:45:03 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/argentina_hear_us_out_gwOx24A8Gboa4r25MOzuYO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

FB holders sell on fear of dumping
Facebook shares fell to the lowest intraday price in three weeks on concern that shareholders will start selling their shares when a prohibition on the transaction expires.
The stock declined as much as 1.8 percent to $18.87, the lowest since Oct. 19, before closing at $19.86, down...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:44:54 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/fb_holders_sell_on_fear_of_dumping_kknzBJ06D5Ge20yFN4WnNO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Business briefs
0 for 4Federal Reserve Vice Chair Janet Yellen said that interest rates may need to stay near zero until early 2016 to forcefully lift employment. Stocks fell on the news.Ivy settles Bank of New York’s Ivy Asset Management agreed to pay $210 million to settle lawsuits for advising...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:43:30 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/business_briefs_aJgFbsGVRmpx9u95RZa1rM?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Cuomo’s NY cash grabBy NICOLE GELINASOped ColumnistsGov. Cuomo kicked off the third week of Sandy by getting everyone fixated on a number: $30 billion. That’s what the governor figures New York has lost — and what he thinks would be “fair” for Congress and President Obama to give it. But getting money to rebuild doesn’t...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:06:37 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/cuomo_ny_cash_grab_MaQLRuv1QpZprIJFhwVhQL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Oped Columnistshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/cuomo_ny_cash_grab_MaQLRuv1QpZprIJFhwVhQL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Oped Columnists
Obama’s taxing ideasLettersThe Issue: Whether Obama and Congress should raise taxes to deal with America’s growing fiscal problems.
It’s time for President Obama to put his money where his mouth is. Let’s see that bipartisanship in play (“Hike Taxes — or Else!” Nov. 12).
How about taking a page from...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:05:21 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/letters/obama_taxing_ideas_uBLjVO9n9c86oaWO5rLazL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Lettershttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/letters/obama_taxing_ideas_uBLjVO9n9c86oaWO5rLazL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Letters
Central infidelity agency: Petraeus’ fall from graceLettersThe Issue: Gen. David Petraeus’ resignation after an affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell went public.
Gen. David Petraeus went from true American hero to lamentable satyr in record time (“Time To Tell the Truth,” Editorial, Nov. 13).
His honorable performance on the field of combat did not inform his...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:05:05 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/letters/central_infidelity_agency_petraeus_aVuDQKx87Ky7GKP0i8xgcO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Lettershttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/letters/central_infidelity_agency_petraeus_aVuDQKx87Ky7GKP0i8xgcO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Letters
Free expression at FordhamEditorialsShould university presidents have free speech rights?
It’s a fair question, given the way the American academy has lately stomped all over free expression on behalf of the notion that the right not to be offended exists on a par with the First Amendment.
But, yes, they certainly should...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:04:40 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/editorials/free_expression_at_fordham_ufcoV11SsS4t3B0YzmsfbN?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Editorialshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/editorials/free_expression_at_fordham_ufcoV11SsS4t3B0YzmsfbN?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Editorials
The general’s dutyEditorialsIt turns out then-CIA Director David Petraeus made an unannounced trip to Libya last month to personally investigate the 9/11 Benghazi consulate debacle.
All the more reason, then, for Petraeus to be front and center when Congress takes up the matter, starting tomorrow.
But the former general has told...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:04:07 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/editorials/the_general_duty_WTiXD995ZdSFUTetLEx1cJ?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Editorialshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/editorials/the_general_duty_WTiXD995ZdSFUTetLEx1cJ?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Editorials
Deploying the deflectors?EditorialsWill Gov. Andrew Cuomo be the first witness to testify under oath in front of his newly appointed Moreland Commission?
And if so, will he be asked: “Governor, why didn’t you live up to your responsibility to fill long-vacant board seats on the Long Island Power Authority immediately after...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:03:56 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/editorials/deploying_the_deflectors_Cps4RnBbUPgst31lfnPXYK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Editorialshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/editorials/deploying_the_deflectors_Cps4RnBbUPgst31lfnPXYK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Editorials
Bam’s next war?By BENNY AVNIOped ColumnistsNever mind President Obama’s vow to end a decade of Mideast wars; America instead soon might find itself embroiled in a new conflict in that region — perhaps even before the president’s Jan. 20 inauguration.
Fact is, the Syrian civil war isn’t winding down, but threatening to spread...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:03:37 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/bam_next_war_YyR1KpKUx8ZUolsHRnwfTI?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Oped Columnistshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/bam_next_war_YyR1KpKUx8ZUolsHRnwfTI?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Oped Columnists
City leadership in Sandy’s wakeBy ADOLFO CARRION JR. Oped ColumnistsThere’s awell-knownsaying that there is no Democratic or Republican way of picking up the trash. The same goes for improving our schools, building our economy and recovering from Hurricane Sandy.
Our city needs a mayor who is freefrom specialinterests and committed to making the tough decisions around education reform...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 22:55:02 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/city_leadership_in_sandy_wake_mDqhJwZ3FdfwSsUQC7UYgO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Oped Columnistshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/city_leadership_in_sandy_wake_mDqhJwZ3FdfwSsUQC7UYgO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Oped Columnists
Don’t write off the right quite yetBy JONAH GOLDBERGOped ColumnistsThe conservative Gotterdammerung is finally here. “Like dazed survivors in a ravaged city, America’s conservatives are wailing and beating their collective breasts,” opines an Economist columnist.
Former Reaganite Rep. Vin Weber (R-Minn.) laments in the journal Policy Review, “I have never been so concerned about the future of conservative...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 22:22:20 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/don_write_off_the_right_quite_yet_O9TgJ70px6yFOpzTmtBhEK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Oped Columnistshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/don_write_off_the_right_quite_yet_O9TgJ70px6yFOpzTmtBhEK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Oped Columnists
Grand jury called in Etan Patz case, asked to indict NJ man for murder By JAMIE SCHRAM and LAURA ITALIANO
Six months after New Jersey mental patient Pedro Hernandez dramatically confessed to murdering Etan Patz -- and despite a largely fruitless search for bolstering evidence -- Manhattan prosecutors have convened a grand jury in the case, law enforcement sources told The Post.
Grand jurors have been asked to indict Hernandez...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:52:33 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/grand_jury_called_murder_etan_patz_upX5w9jsRrVsW0SIBFHuXM?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

LIPA chief will resign at year's endBy JULIA MARSH, JENNIFER BAIN and LEONARD GREENE
Now LIPA’s chief has something in common with thousands of Long Island residents — they’re out of power.
Interim CEO Mike Hervey — who still has 45,000 total customers without electricity after Hurricane Sandy — will step down at the end of this year.
“On behalf of the Board of...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 20:00:20 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/lipa_chief_resigns_C4gg1rfltmJz9qOutyWbmK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

B'klyn's B44 bus getting a federal boostBy JENNIFER FERMINO, Transit Reporter
Brooklyn bus riders on an extremely busy - but super pokey - route will soon be getting dedicated transit lanes and faster service courtesy of Uncle Sam.
The city today announced it received a $28 million grant to bring select bus service to the B44 route, which travels Williamsburg to...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 18:54:51 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brooklyn/klyn_bus_getting_federal_boost_ucJlfbpN1pD2XbkxBRx5OJ?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

'Killer' nanny accused in kids' bathtub slashing deaths hit with throw-away-the-key indictment By LAURA ITALIANOManhattanA grand jury has voted a throw-away-the-key indictment -- charging first degree murder -- against Yoselyn Ortega, the nanny accused in the bathtub slashing deaths of two young Upper West Side children under her care.
The rare charge -- brought only 27 times in all of New York in 2011...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 23:53:14 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/nanny_accused_of_bathtub_slashing_2Afik9oQeqcYel8yCJ0jOJ?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Manhattanhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/nanny_accused_of_bathtub_slashing_2Afik9oQeqcYel8yCJ0jOJ?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Manhattan
Quinn: Run overhead power lines undergroundBy SALLY GOLDENBERG
Forcing utilities to bury overhead lines is one of the more eye-catching – and expensive – suggestions City Council Speaker Christine Quinn put forth in a half policy, half campaign speech this morning.
Quinn, a likely candidate for mayor next year, delivered a lengthy speech on the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy when...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 17:06:35 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/quinn_run_overhead_power_lines_underground_KCTK2fFU7qPSOJetnKFLXO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Queens thug indicted on first-degree murder over fatal May shootingBY CHRISTINA CARREGA
A Queens thug's charges were upgraded by a grand jury today for allegedly killing a man who testified against him in an earlier robbery case.
Shytique Kelly, 21 of Arverne, was indicted on first-degree murder charges when he approached Tysheen Coakley and his two buddies near 110th Avenue and...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 16:35:46 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/queens/queens_thug_indicted_shooting_first_sd2bHZP4eepLhTL5EHv4JO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Fam scam! Two brothers tricked convenience store customer out of $5M lottery ticket: DA
SYRACUSE, NY — Two brothers from central New York who claimed a $5 million lottery ticket sold at their family's store have been accused of scamming the winning ticket from a customer.
Onondaga County District Attorney William Fitzpatrick says 34-year-old Andy Ashkar and 36-year-old Nayel Ashkar are charged with attempted...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 15:10:28 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/ticket_scam_two_brothers_tricked_gXKpPuIhR9CaD7pNhUs6OO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Feds: Hedgies knew stock tips were tainted By KAJA WHITEHOUSE
Former hedge-fund hotshots Anthony Chiasson and Todd Newman “crossed a criminal line” by knowingly swapping confidential stock tips in order to pocket millions in illegal profits, prosecutors charged.
“They had something honest investors did not have, something honest investors could not get,” Richard Tarlowe, a prosecutor with the Manhattan US...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 15:48:31 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/feds_hedgies_knew_stock_tips_were_sxsbCoDbesJDtJLf8DbY2N?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Cops hunt for dog thiefBy JAMIE SCHRAM and DAN MANGAN
The young woman seen in this recently released surveillance video swiped a beloved pooch from a Manhattan real estate investor on Sept. 11.
Detectives are asking anyone with information on the sticky-fingered thief to immediately call CrimeStoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS. All calls will be kept confidential.
In the footage from an...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 14:32:12 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/cops_hunt_for_dog_thief_2SWReSfLQBAJb4ktQp7gkL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel to be reopened soon: sourceBy JENNIFER FERMINO
The Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel -- which was flooded with millions of gallons of water during superstorm Sandy — will be reopened soon, according to a government source.
Gov. Cuomo, MTA chairman Joseph Lhota and US Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood are expected to make the announcement later today.
The source said it...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 14:23:28 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brooklyn/brooklyn_battery_tunnerl_to_be_reopened_CO5J82H1fKvdCHwOoZE9IK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Car charity scammer back in jail for Medicaid and food stamp fraudBy LAURA ITALIANO
She just got out of jail for pocketing $2 million in donations from her bogus "Hope for Disabled Kids" car-donation charity -- and now scammer Tirnawati Shoba Bakhsh is back behind bars, accused of collecting Medicaid and food stamps while running the scam.
The slippery Bakhsh, 46, gallingly claimed she...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 14:23:45 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/fraud_charity_scammer_back_stamp_ewvbCKLsGr6dZ6dmqGoaUI?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

More than a fender bender: Sandy damaged 16,000 new cars stuck in port
Superstorm Sandy has caused damage to thousands of cars in the Port of New York and New Jersey that were heading to vehicle sales lots around the region.
Port Authority spokesman Steve Coleman says 16,000 cars were damaged in the storm.
The New York Shipping Association says Toyota and...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 13:55:20 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/more_than_fender_bender_sandy_damaged_uy87gXFdBHWvkZQdrWy1vI?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Murder suspect John McAfee says he did not do itBy MICHAEL BLAUSTEIN
Wanted for murder and on the run from the police in Belize, tech pioneer John McAfee says that he didn’t kill his neighbor and that whoever did might have been gunning for him.
“I thought maybe they were coming for me,” McAfee told Wired. “They mistook him for me...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 16:20:21 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/wanted_for_murder_antivirus_software_WorgPrRewd0t4eB4n853xN?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Singer/actress agrees to community service in assistant-bash caseBy LAURA ITALIANO
She's at the top of the charts -- and now she's cleaning up her rap sheet, too.
Songbird actress Taryn Manning, who played Eminem's dysfunctional girlfriend in the 2002 movie "8 Mile," agreed in a Manhattan courtroom this morning to serve a day of community service to...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 14:23:28 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/singer_actress_agrees_to_community_GSS5Q9eTIhHhno2hHeQA4N?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

'Butcher' ex-boyfriend sentenced to 25 years to life in prison for girlfriend slayBy DAREH GREGORIAN

Steven Hirsch
Raul Barrera in court today. He was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison.

A fashion publicist who butchered his ex-girlfriend in her Lower East Side apartment for trying to move on without him was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison this morning - and...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 13:05:48 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/butcher_girlfriend_boyfriend_sentenced_YtzT3LEiQNLfZKNsEEXOOK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

NY attorney files lawsuit over LIPA power failures
A New York attorney has filed a lawsuit claiming negligence by two Long Island power companies after Superstorm Sandy and the nor'easter.
Kenneth Mollins said the lawsuit filed Tuesday in state Supreme Court seeks unspecified damages.
The Long Island Power Authority has restored power to more than 1.1...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 16:26:04 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/ny_attorney_files_lawsuit_over_lipa_kZ8G1yTvYJP3mLAYYxFndL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Fla. utility worker attacked on Long Island
A utility worker from Lakeland, Fla., was punched in the face while walking outside a restaurant on New York's Long Island.
The Lakeland Ledger reports that John Applewhite suffered a broken jaw and several face fractures.
A Nassau County police press release said a man was punched in the...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 11:41:38 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/fla_utility_worker_attacked_on_long_q6v2uVNVYUfRT3KqDDIkSN?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

WATCH: Jon Stewart takes self down a notch over interview with Petraeus' mistressBy MICHAEL BLAUSTEIN
On last night's episode of "The Daily Show," host Jon Stewart mocked his own lack of journalistic instinct when it came to the interview he did with David Petraeus' mistress Paula Broadwell earlier this year.
<div style="background-color:#000000;width:520px;"><div style="padding:4px;"><iframe src="http://media...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 11:37:36 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/watch_patraeus_stewart_takes_mistress_mI1zpJ6Qils04m144HmSGI?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Gen. John Allen also helped Jill Kelley's sister during custody battleBy GEOFF EARLE and DAN MANGANNationalBoth Gen. David Petraeus and Gen. John Allen intervened in the same nasty child custody battle involving Natalie Khawam, the “psychologically unstable” twin sister of Jill Kelley, whose bombshell claims of being threatened by Petraeus' lover led to the top spy’s resignation last week, the Post has learned.
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 18:55:55 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/battle_john_allen_also_helped_jill_YjkEYUNY2INC4smBMEYqUI?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Nationalhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/battle_john_allen_also_helped_jill_YjkEYUNY2INC4smBMEYqUI?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=National
David Petraeus gets big promotion in new 'Call of Duty' gameBy MICHAEL BLAUSTEIN
Even though disgraced former CIA director David Petraeus' real career is over, his virtual career continues apace seeing as he is the Secretary of Defense in the new 'Call of Duty' video game which is expected to be the highest grossing game of all time.
Released today, the new game...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 10:56:05 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/david_patraeus_gets_big_promotion_kp2VKLDYcp7ZWU1xQND1bO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Elmo accuser recants; says relationship was 'consensual'By MICHAEL SHAIN, KATE SHEEHY and DAVID K. LILocalThe man who accused Elmo’s real-life persona, Kevin Clash of an underaged hookup has recanted his story, his legal representatives said today in an email, calling the relationship 'consensual.'
This office represented the 23-year-old man who was the subject of many media reports regarding Kevin Clash,” according to the...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 18:08:00 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/elmo_voice_sorry_for_sex_talk_report_KKzUUtI0gpWh5dRfX2NmlK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Localhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/elmo_voice_sorry_for_sex_talk_report_KKzUUtI0gpWh5dRfX2NmlK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Local
Hubby busted in SI teacher wife-slayBy DOUG AUER
Staten Island
The husband of a city schoolteacher mysteriously found dead inside their Staten Island home this summer was arrested this morning for murder, The Post has learned.
Jonathan Crupi was collared at his mother’s home where he had been staying since the July 5 slaying of Simeonette Mapes-Crupi, law enforcement...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 13:05:48 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/staten_island/hubby_busted_in_si_teacher_wife_QNdHj5TsooUdfwoMoJ3byO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=
Staten Island
Staten Island

City launching '1-stop restoration centers', FEMA opens in 19 NJ counties
New York City says it's launching "one-stop restoration centers" that will provide recovery services and disaster relief.
The offices will be located in Far Rockaway and Breezy Point, Queens; Coney Island, Red Hook and Gravesend, Brooklyn; and on Staten Island.
Both state and federal disaster relief will be offered...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 09:08:04 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/city_launching_stop_restoration_oZP2SbzGacdQv57DjMoAYL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Rockefeller Center Christmas tree survived Sandy
MOUNT OLIVE, NJ — The Christmas tree that will dominate New York's Rockefeller Center survived the winds of Superstorm Sandy that left a path of destruction in a New Jersey town and even its donor without electricity for weeks.
Joe Balku, 76, learned that the 80-foot Norway spruce had been...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 16:29:41 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/rockefeller_center_christmas_tree_wX0kNadkF0hY3BlPx1KZHM?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Missouri girl, 4, brings toys to Sandy victims
A 4-year-old girl from Kansas City has been delivering toys to New York City children affected by Superstorm Sandy.
Katherine Schell tells WCBS-TV that she was worried about other kids who "lost their animals."
Her mom, Katie Schell, says it was Katherine's idea to bring the toys to New...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 08:28:37 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/missouri_girl_brings_toys_to_ny_UZYqtyYNArKTgMY2xgev7N?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Judge shames Ohio woman who drove on sidewalk to avoid school bus with public 'idiot' signNationalCLEVELAND — In a highly public sentence, a woman caught on camera driving on a sidewalk to avoid a Cleveland school bus that was unloading children stood in the cold at an intersection holding a sign warning people about idiots.
A Cleveland Municipal Court judge ordered 32-year-old Shena Hardin to serve...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 08:22:19 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/judge_shames_woman_public_drove_yCxEVHQNzaPBOwjSwG5I0H?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Nationalhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/judge_shames_woman_public_drove_yCxEVHQNzaPBOwjSwG5I0H?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=National
Gov: We’ll probe LIPA and othersBy ERIK KRISS and JOSH MARGOLINLocalGov. Cuomo has launched investigations into every state-licensed power utility in the region to determine how they performed after Hurricane Sandy.
“I’m going to do a thorough review/investigation, and they will be held accountable for past performance, and we have to make sure we are prepared for when...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 16:25:51 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/gov_we_ll_probe_lipa_and_others_GwPqryDNzdEhQyCbKtz6JP?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Localhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/gov_we_ll_probe_lipa_and_others_GwPqryDNzdEhQyCbKtz6JP?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Local
Lance is Livingwrong: Taunting photo as bike dope quits cancer postBy ANDY SOLTISInternational

Take them down and box them up, Lance.
Disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong tweeted a brazen photo of himself on Saturday lying next to his seven ill-gained Tour de France victory jerseys — tokens of titles that were ultimately stripped from him due to doping allegations.
“Back in Austin and just layin...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 16:21:09 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/lance_is_livingwrong_UFQJSLBg7LTJz00PURwHDK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Internationalhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/lance_is_livingwrong_UFQJSLBg7LTJz00PURwHDK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=International
Apt. fire kills woman, 91By LORENA MONGELLI and JESSICA SIMEONE
An elderly churchgoing woman was killed yesterday by a fire that swept through her Brooklyn apartment building, authorities said.Olga Bates, 91, a widow who relatives said was “very religious,” was found unconscious on the second floor of the Prospect Heights building and later died, cops said.“She was super...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 14:24:04 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brooklyn/apt_fire_kills_woman_MPr5HITDOrfa70gCuynMqN?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Monthly MetroCards will not be reimbursed after SandyBy JENNIFER FERMINO, KENNETH GARGER and LEONARD GREENELocal

Chad Rachman/New York Post
GIVING IT A WHIRL: The Marine chopper scheduled to shuttle President Obama around the city Thursday takes off during a test run yesterday in Miller Field on Staten Island, where he'll meet Mayor Bloomberg.

Count your monthly MetroCard as a casualty of Hurricane Sandy...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 12:00:30 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/mta_bigs_dirty_card_trick_8Z2yJTgvJw4cllnhSgr5sO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Localhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/mta_bigs_dirty_card_trick_8Z2yJTgvJw4cllnhSgr5sO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Local
Petraeus helps whistleblower's 'unstable' twin in nasty custody fight By GEOFF EARLE, JEANE MACINTOSH and DAN MANGANNationalGen. David Petraeus sure loved helping his lady friends.
While he was director of the CIA, Petraeus wrote a letter supporting the child-custody fight of the “psychologically unstable” twin sister of his close friend Jill Kelley — whose bombshell claims of being threatened by his lover led to the top spy...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 11:41:56 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/twisted_sister_wPCTY0kcH9xu9DPh8RN7yL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Nationalhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/twisted_sister_wPCTY0kcH9xu9DPh8RN7yL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=National
WATCH: Girls go wild at 30 Rock for One Direction, announced 1st 3D movieBy AMY STRETTENLocal

Charles Sykes/Invision/AP
One Direction member Louis Tomlinson, left, performs on NBC's "Today" show.

The boys of One Direction are banking that their remarkable journey to fame has at least one more year of glory.
Moviegoers will get a 3D eyeful of the the wildly popular UK boy...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 11:37:35 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/teenage_waitland_0jtMM2zHcxbMcRg1eoN0jO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Localhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/teenage_waitland_0jtMM2zHcxbMcRg1eoN0jO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Local
Cheat heartsNational

Getty Images

Now all they have to do is kiss.
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson looked as if they had made up last night for the premiere of “Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II.”
It was the former — and possibly current — couple’s first red-carpet appearance together since they split...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 10:22:42 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/you_cheat_heart_yUwHbs2aMTVFIR6fON1usI?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Nationalhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/you_cheat_heart_yUwHbs2aMTVFIR6fON1usI?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=National
Friends in grief: Families of tragic Flight 587 help storm victims in RockawaysBy DAVID SEIFMANLocalIt’s victims helping victims.
Families that lost loved ones when Flight 587 crashed in the Rockaways in 2001 are taking up a collection for residents of the battered shorefront community still struggling to recover from the devastation of Hurricane Sandy.
The poignant gesture will raise thousands, not millions. Most...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 08:44:44 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/friends_in_grief_mQNtNL8c4I8DviPiTjNVZP?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Localhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/friends_in_grief_mQNtNL8c4I8DviPiTjNVZP?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Local
Queens school’s student exodusBy YOAV GONEN and LIZ SADLERQueens

Debris from damaged homes lies piled up across the street from the shuttered PS 114 in Belle Harbor.

Hurricane Sandy scattered hundreds of students from one Queens school — to locales as far away as Nashville.
At least 230 students from Belle Harbor’s PS 114 have enrolled in public...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 08:34:45 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/queens/queens_school_student_exodus_aSJ7CNcOEKjtHNuMK34jdN?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Queenshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/queens/queens_school_student_exodus_aSJ7CNcOEKjtHNuMK34jdN?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Queens
Twist in Petraeus sex scandal: Afghanistan commander now probed for relationship with Jill KelleyBy TIM PERONE
In a shocking twist, the top US military commander in Afghanistan been caught up in the Petraeus sex scandal.
Marine Gen. John Allen is being investigated for “inappropriate communications” with Jill Kelley — the woman harassed by e-mails allegedly sent by David Petraeus’ mistress.
Allen, 58, who succeeded Petraeus as top...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 05:12:50 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/scandal_scorches_gen_allen_AZHta5ka2gdzNJoiTRBonL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Christie facing GOP stormBy GERRY SHIELDS in DC and ERIK KRISS in AlbanyNational

AFP/Getty Images
BIG HIT: Gov. Chris Christie’s political aspirations are taking a hit over his warm embrace of President Obama after Hurricane Sandy ravaged New Jersey.

Fat chance for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s White House aspirations in the wake of his post-Sandy bromance with President Obama...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 05:12:50 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/chris_facing_gop_storm_IjetvGo3QU89DQzrJ4JIKJ?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Nationalhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/chris_facing_gop_storm_IjetvGo3QU89DQzrJ4JIKJ?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=National
Hero’s blaze of glory: Bravest saves woman, 93By KIERAN CROWLEY

Bill Kelly
NICK OF TIME: Rescuers aid Evelyn Ross yesterday after she was saved from her burning Long Island home by John Curley.

A Long Island firefighter who’s also one of the FDNY’s Bravest smashed a window of a burning Bellmore home with his bare hands and dragged...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 05:12:50 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/hero_blaze_of_glory_amTN98lpBniq27eyuKSBvJ?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Red ‘devil’! Voice of Elmo in teen-sex shockerBy DAREH GREGORIANLocal

Chad Rachman/New York Post
DON'T TICKLE ME! Kevin Clash, with Muppet, Elmo, insists that his young accuser was of legal age when their “relationship” began.

Say it ain’t so, Elmo!
Kevin Clash — the puppeteer who transformed a furry red Muppet named Elmo into an international sensation — has...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 05:12:50 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/red_devil_A7am2HfVcojV0taES8KkoL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Localhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/red_devil_A7am2HfVcojV0taES8KkoL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Local
Beware: ObamaCare’s now realityBy BETSY McCAUGHEYOped ColumnistsPresident Obama’s re-election and Democratic gains in the US Senate end any possibility of repealing the Obama health law. It will roll out as written, imposing major changes soon on you and your family. If you are uninsured because you can’t afford it, help may be on the...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 03:44:05 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/beware_obamacare_now_reality_YT42eCrsbtZC3KbDONGm4O?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Oped Columnistshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/beware_obamacare_now_reality_YT42eCrsbtZC3KbDONGm4O?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Oped Columnists
SI cops’ killer eyed as too dumb for deathBy MITCHEL MADDUX
Staten Island
They say he’s too dumb to die for his heinous crimes.
A federal judge has scheduled a series of hearings later this month for testimony about whether a man convicted of the execution-style murder of two undercover NYPD officers is mentally competent to face the death penalty — again.
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 03:43:37 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/staten_island/si_cops_killer_eyed_as_too_dumb_WSogpvSy1UnYg77JlpaXfK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=
Staten Island
Staten Island

Stones ‘Start Up’ in B’klynBy ANDY SOLTISLocalIt’s official: The Rolling Stones are coming to Brooklyn.
The band added a show on Dec. 8, a Saturday, at Barclays Center, to their new tour.
Tickets will go on sale Monday at 10 a.m.
The show will be the first US date of their “The Stones — 50...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 03:42:18 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/stones_start_up_in_yn_4dhEExM5GcJR2YdALH6iIP?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Localhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/stones_start_up_in_yn_4dhEExM5GcJR2YdALH6iIP?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Local
Meet the ‘perfect’ NYC galBy ANDY SOLTISLocalThe perfect single New York City woman is a brown-eyed, nonsmoking, social-drinking brunette — with a master’s degree.And Gotham guys would be willing to spend $266.25 on a first date with their dream girl, according to a new survey by a sugar-daddy dating Web site.Some 5,000...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 03:42:16 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/meet_the_perfect_nyc_gal_S6fL2vGSXseb87CkvlC5ZK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Localhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/meet_the_perfect_nyc_gal_S6fL2vGSXseb87CkvlC5ZK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Local
O critics rankled by ‘dicey timing’By GERRY SHIELDS and JOSH MARGOLIN
Whatever you do, don’t tell the boss.
White House aides appear to have gone out of their way to avoid informing President Obama about the Petraeus affair, and people in Washington want to know why.
“It’s way too convenient,” said Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), a member of the...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 03:14:13 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/critics_rankled_by_dicey_timing_maChd2L4XxBsZpsdfMZCnK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Obama keeps Holder as Attorney GeneralBy JOSH MARGOLINNationalPresident Obama is holding on to Eric Holder as the nation’s top law-enforcement official, The Post has learned.
The newly re-elected president asked his controversial attorney general to stay for the second term, and Holder has agreed despite enduring a firestorm of criticism from Republican lawmakers.
“I don’t...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 03:04:09 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/keeps_holder_as_ag_KiFdPvjU8lAh00dkcJNTZN?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Nationalhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/keeps_holder_as_ag_KiFdPvjU8lAh00dkcJNTZN?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=National
In Syria’s crossfireBy JOSEF FEDERMANInternationalJERUSALEM — An Israeli tank scored “direct hits” yesterday on a Syrian army vehicle after a mortar shell landed on Israeli-held territory, the military said, in the first direct confrontation between the countries since the Syrian uprising broke out.
Israel has tried to avoid getting sucked into the bloody Syrian conflict...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 03:03:16 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/in_syria_crossfire_YruhvtNFOtjXmjEQ834W6O?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Internationalhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/in_syria_crossfire_YruhvtNFOtjXmjEQ834W6O?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=International
Tech-mogul slay suspectBy RITA DELFINER
John McAfee, founder of the anti-virus software company, that bears his name, is being sought for questioning in the murder of a neighbor in Belize, local police said yesterday.
Cops want to talk to McAfee, 67 — who sold the company to Intel in 2010 for $7.7 billion — in connection...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 03:03:16 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/tech_mogul_slay_suspect_iAGbIjPQXeABPtkuRKVEMP?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Mike’s ‘legacy list’ is Priority 1 for projectsBy SALLY GOLDENBERG
When it comes to new development projects, the Bloomberg administration is closed for business.
That’s because the mayor’s people — with an eye toward his legacy — have carefully crafted a special list of high-profile priority projects to fast-track before Bloomberg’s third term ends in 14 months, putting all...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 02:53:50 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/mike_legacy_list_is_priority_for_AXU2H9VADBBMOVQMOV7MtJ?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Hardhat’s downer: 9/11 impotence claimBy BRUCE GOLDINGManhattanSeptember 11 changed everything for this hardhat — including his sex life.
A construction worker who breathed “toxic smoke and fumes” while working five weeks at Ground Zero said he was left with a litany of ailments, including erectile dysfunction.
Steven O’Hara of upstate Wingdale clocked 12-hour days monitoring the...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 02:53:50 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/hardhat_downer_Gm4Du1U2iB5HZka7RYcVmO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Manhattanhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/hardhat_downer_Gm4Du1U2iB5HZka7RYcVmO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Manhattan
Conservatives propose BamCare cuts in ‘cliff’ talksBy GERRY SHIELDS, Post CorrespondentNationalWASHINGTON — President Obama will have to give to get.
Opponents of Obama’s signature health-care law are pushing for costs of the plan to be part of the negotiations over preventing the so-called fiscal cliff, while supporters are trying to keep cuts off the table.
Obama will begin a series...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 02:53:50 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/surgical_trike_Mnxmnw34jnZXTlJTOKSUnL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Nationalhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/surgical_trike_Mnxmnw34jnZXTlJTOKSUnL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=National

A serial bank robber was done in when a detective recognized his mug from a prior arrest, law-enforcement sources said.
Robert Connolly, 54, allegedly scored $3,495 from the Valley National Bank on Fourth Avenue near East 12th Street on Oct. 10 by handing a teller a demand note...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 02:10:54 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/nypd_blotter/nypd_daily_blotter_Qd7KReLrQOOYBsktG8wwyN?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=NYPD Blotterhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/nypd_blotter/nypd_daily_blotter_Qd7KReLrQOOYBsktG8wwyN?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=NYPD Blotter
Hydrant rule is all wet: polBy SALLY GOLDENBERG
This parking rule must be from the age of horse and buggy.
A city councilman is looking to revamp a law that allows cars to park 15 feet from hydrants in a no-standing zone while dropping off or picking up a passenger, as long as the driver is in the...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 02:05:29 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/hydrant_rule_is_all_wet_pol_yqzV0eB6scl7xZ8aRayl7N?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Sad last salute for upstate GI
ALDEN, NY — Mourners overflowed a church in western New York on Veterans Day to pay tribute to a US Army reservist killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan.The funeral for Sgt. Brett Gornewicz, 27, of Alden, 20 miles east of Buffalo, was standing room only at St. John’s...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 02:05:29 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/sad_last_salute_for_upstate_gi_CivnYogagaWX1drAnFdpaP?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Wanton thief a wonton thief
WEST HARTFORD, Conn. — A man stole a car used to deliver Chinese food — then continued dropping off orders so he could keep the customers’ money, police said.Keith Hinds, 45, was charged Friday with larceny and other charges.West Hartford police received a call from a Chinese-food delivery driver reporting...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:58:37 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/wanton_thief_wonton_thief_MLLQG0w6ZKfABUZ2r1DLEI?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

NJ has had fill of rationingBy LEONARD GREENELocalFill ’er up!New Jersey will end its gas-rationing policy today now that pressure at the pump has been eased. Gov. Chris Christie says that gas supplies are plentiful throughout the Garden State and that there are no more lines of cars waiting for fuel.Christie imposed the odd-even restrictions...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:54:36 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/nj_has_had_fill_of_rationing_4vOcrLiDuB4zPGPTdp7ArM?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Localhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/nj_has_had_fill_of_rationing_4vOcrLiDuB4zPGPTdp7ArM?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Local
Wynner is now ‘lo$er’By ANTHONY MCCARTNEYNationalLOS ANGELES — A judge has cut by more than half the $40 million jury verdict that casino mogul Steve Wynn was recently awarded against “Girls Gone Wild” founder Joe Francis.
The ruling by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Joanne O’Donnell on Friday eliminates $20 million in punitive damages the...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:53:55 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/wy_er_is_now_lo_er_4pZLlwFHlm3dJSa8ZHO5qN?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Nationalhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/wy_er_is_now_lo_er_4pZLlwFHlm3dJSa8ZHO5qN?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=National
Comptroller cronies Liu-sers in courtBy JOSH SAULLocalThis “long shot” fell way short.
Embattled city Comptroller John Liu suffered another setback yesterday when two of his key fund-raisers charged with fraud saw their motions to suppress certain evidence and dismiss the case slapped down by a federal judge.
Liu campaign treasurer Jia “Jenny” Hou moved to suppress...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:53:46 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/comptroller_cronies_liu_sers_in_ADg5pOQydLF6q7lmBuihuM?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Localhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/comptroller_cronies_liu_sers_in_ADg5pOQydLF6q7lmBuihuM?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Local
Carrión to run for mayor – as GOPerBy DAVID SEIFMANLocalFormer Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrión (pictured) is planning to enter the 2013 mayoral race — but as a Republican, not a Democrat, according to political sources.
Carrión, 51, who served briefly in the Obama administration, has quietly changed his voter registration from Democrat to independent and hopes to run on...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:53:43 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/carrion_to_run_for_mayor_as_goper_m2sLp5ZAhE6OUPfZ9slrbN?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Localhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/carrion_to_run_for_mayor_as_goper_m2sLp5ZAhE6OUPfZ9slrbN?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Local
Time to tell the truthEditorialsDavid Petraeus served the United States of America with honor and distinction for nearly four decades.
Then he stumbled. That much is clear.
But everything else about L’affaire Petraeus is a jumbled mess, and the best advice for anyone trying to make sense of it is really quite simple...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:20:44 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/editorials/time_to_tell_the_truth_4ZXE6ZPjLyGSwZTudiwPON?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Editorialshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/editorials/time_to_tell_the_truth_4ZXE6ZPjLyGSwZTudiwPON?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Editorials
Good gas news in JerseyEditorials“The power restoration and fuel-delivery efforts of the past two weeks have allowed lines to subside, lessening the need for this type of rationing system. Now is an appropriate time to end it.” — Kevin Roberts, spokesman forGov. Chris Christie, announcing that post-Sandy
gas rationing would end in New Jersey at...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:20:44 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/editorials/good_gas_news_in_jersey_igaBAYc0cD2rE2eC1VtUgJ?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Editorialshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/editorials/good_gas_news_in_jersey_igaBAYc0cD2rE2eC1VtUgJ?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Editorials
Keep Alan on iceEditorialsFormer state Comptroller Alan Hevesi comes up for his initial parole hearing this week, perhaps today, having served 18 months of a one-to-four-year sentence for a “pay-to-play” scheme involving state pension-fund investments.
Hevesi’s corruption conviction ended his three-decade service on the public payroll, including membership in the state Assembly...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:20:44 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/editorials/keep_alan_on_ice_0zvvJjrxh8bgkYC8EtuEpL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Editorialshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/editorials/keep_alan_on_ice_0zvvJjrxh8bgkYC8EtuEpL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Editorials
No bail for son in mom-slay horrorBy LAURA ITALIANO
The man charged with fatally stabbing his mother and slashing and trying to incinerate his brother in their East Harlem apartment was held without bail at his arraignment yesterday. David Elias, 31, was led from Manhattan Criminal Court to jail yesterday, staggering and swaying in his handcuffs and leg chains...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:18:25 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/no_bail_for_son_in_mom_slay_horror_CG5djb2vLZivpXDfriPyaN?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Super Bowl’s VIP air gameBy JOSH MARGOLIN
The most touchdowns at the first Super Bowl hosted at the Meadowlands will be scored by rich fans flying in via private jet.An $11 million private air terminal is quietly being constructed at Newark Airport to lure the jet set that is sure to converge for the 2014 Super...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:16:40 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/super_bowl_vip_air_game_SAahfvJHkTT6AQScwrXzgL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

$100M suit vs. Beyoncé OK’dBy DAREH GREGORIANNationalBeyoncé might be summoned to a command performance — singing under oath.A state appeals court has given a $100 million lawsuit against the “Single Ladies” singer the green light, paving the way for the superstar to testify at a deposition.In a unanimous decision, the Appellate Division denied a bid...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:16:04 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/suit_vs_beyonce_ok_sLXAJWL9NJGcBAUlSFRD2K?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Nationalhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/suit_vs_beyonce_ok_sLXAJWL9NJGcBAUlSFRD2K?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=National
Bents best SEC in ‘broken buck’ caseBy KAJA WHITEHOUSEBusinessThe Securities and Exchange Commission yesterday suffered yet another defeat in its efforts to hold Wall Street accountable for losses stemming from the financial meltdown after a Manhattan jury cleared a father-son team of misleading investors to avoid a run on the bank in 2008.
After more than two days...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:14:19 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/mary_fails_again_KgoxA14IEAPz1lLE2HDHMK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Businesshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/mary_fails_again_KgoxA14IEAPz1lLE2HDHMK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Business
Leucadia snaps up Jefferies for $4BBy MARK DECAMBREBusinessWall Street’s damsels are turning to white knights.
In the latest move, Jefferies Group yesterday agreed to be scooped up by investing conglomerate Leucadia National Corp. for nearly $4 billion.
The acquisition will place Jefferies CEO Rich Handler, 51, in the unique position at the helm of his firm...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:14:19 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/mon_re_cue_me_6wM9WMvVTepefDY8lJwRYJ?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Businesshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/mon_re_cue_me_6wM9WMvVTepefDY8lJwRYJ?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Business
Hostess’ reprieve in PhillyBy JOSH KOSMANBusinessThe Philadelphia Hostess plant that supplies New York City is running again after a strike by the bakers’ union temporarily halted production.
Hostess pulled in management from other areas to restart the plant, which came to a halt when workers refused to cross a picket line, according to a source...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:14:19 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/hostess_reprieve_in_philly_kFwx3WiDEDiisTHM4BoXqI?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Businesshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/hostess_reprieve_in_philly_kFwx3WiDEDiisTHM4BoXqI?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Business
Windows boss exitsBusinessMicrosoft said that Steven Sinofsky, president of its Windows and Windows Live operations, is leaving the company.
Company veteran Julie Larson-Green has been promoted to lead all Windows software and hardware engineering.
The company did not say why Sinofsky is leaving...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:14:19 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/windows_boss_exits_maSZXz375PEVYZgwS6Ew7M?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Businesshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/windows_boss_exits_maSZXz375PEVYZgwS6Ew7M?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Business
Glitch KOs NYSE stoxBusiness Nyse Euronext yesterday suspended trading in more than 200 stocks on the New York Stock Exchange due to a technical problem with a server, though the stocks in question were still trading actively on other markets. There will be no closing auctions in the affected stocks, and a list of...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:14:19 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/glitch_kos_nyse_stox_OC2YgVD59Vn5NWlwPETvWM?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Businesshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/glitch_kos_nyse_stox_OC2YgVD59Vn5NWlwPETvWM?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Business
JCPenney shares pummeledBy JAMES COVERTBusinessThere’s a sale at JCPenney — on its stock, that is.Shares of the struggling department-store chain plunged 13 percent to their lowest levels since 2009, as Wall Street grew increasingly anxious about CEO Ron Johnson’s controversial turnaround strategy.Analysts cut their ratings on Penney shares and slashed profit...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:14:19 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/jcpenney_shares_pummeled_O2WHoiBpD42vaH714T88IJ?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Businesshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/jcpenney_shares_pummeled_O2WHoiBpD42vaH714T88IJ?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Business
MF report coming
A US House of Representatives panel will release a long-awaited report that will dissect the collapse of failed commodities brokerage MF Global. The House Financial Services Committee said its Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations will post the report online Thursday...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:14:19 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/mf_report_coming_ANHcEBtjU2dT4U78XqNbZI?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Warner makes Sony/ATV moveBy CLAIRE ATKINSONBusinessWarner Music Group has joined the bidders for a Sony/ATV music publishing catalog with the rights to some 30,000 songs, The Post has learned. The Rosetta catalog, which is heavy on ’80s hits from artists like Bryan Ferry, Devo and Tears for Fears, has already attracted attention from...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:14:19 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/warner_makes_sony_atv_move_eofTPxpJrrddMlsREtTjCI?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Businesshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/warner_makes_sony_atv_move_eofTPxpJrrddMlsREtTjCI?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Business
Weird but true
Weird But True
When people say it’s a pain to figure out a budget or decide how big a tip to leave in a restaurant, they may be telling the truth.
Researchers at the University of Chicago have found that doing math can cause physical pain.
Solving a tough math problem activates...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:14:13 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/weird_but_true/weird_but_true_oDgGnfQJmvjJjiZzJv1D2I?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=
Weird But True
Weird But True

A rough landing: New Times CEO faces twin threats on first dayBy KEITH J. KELLYBusinessThere was no warm welcome for New York Times CEO Mark Thompson.
The former BBC director general and editor-in-chief spent his first day on the job dealing with the fallout from a deepening crisis at his former employer and turmoil within the Times.
Thompson, who declined to be interviewed by...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:12:25 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/rough_landing_AtDov5VVAuHq8qOxO6gynO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Businesshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/rough_landing_AtDov5VVAuHq8qOxO6gynO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Business
Long Island’s short temper and Cuomo’s LIP(A) serviceLettersThe Issue: Gov. Cuomo’s responsibility for LIPA’s efficiency after Hurricanes Irene and Sandy.
The Post documents Gov. Cuomo’s failure to fix the Long Island Power Authority after Hurricane Irene very well (“Cuomo’s LIPA Fail,” Editorial, Nov. 10).
The governor has been publicly critical of LIPA, which...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:09:16 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/letters/long_island_short_temper_and_cuomo_6Qumsn1RZx92gkezY0Ti0I?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Lettershttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/letters/long_island_short_temper_and_cuomo_6Qumsn1RZx92gkezY0Ti0I?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Letters
GOP self-delusionBy RICH LOWRYOped ColumnistsNo sooner had the electoral thundercloud arrived last Tuesday than some Republicans began searching it for a silver lining. It is an understandable impulse after a defeat to want to minimize its magnitude and rationalize away its causes.
But there are no comforting augurs for Republicans in President Obama’s...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:08:43 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/gop_self_delusion_eq6wROHRDLJz1TITCnPnsM?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Oped Columnistshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/gop_self_delusion_eq6wROHRDLJz1TITCnPnsM?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Oped Columnists
When our role models let us downBy JOHN PODHORETZOped ColumnistsDavid Petraeus, who might have been the most respected man in America, has resigned due to a personal scandal that threatens to turn into a national-security scandal.
Kevin Clash, who took a piece of red cloth and with mysterious alchemy turned it into the most popular character for small children...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:08:43 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/when_our_role_models_let_us_down_Kq1rDnpcercJIfoUNZxsVL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Oped Columnistshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/when_our_role_models_let_us_down_Kq1rDnpcercJIfoUNZxsVL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Oped Columnists
King David’s big fallBy ARTHUR HERMANOped ColumnistsEven Brad Thor couldn’t come up with a juicier storyline.FBI agents discover secret e-mails proving that the CIA director, a revered war hero and possible future presidential candidate, is having an affair with his biographer-turned- femme fatale. He then resigns just days before he’s supposed to give...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:08:43 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/king_david_big_fall_wPoodkvEhZ2FezjP0sJwhK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Oped Columnistshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/king_david_big_fall_wPoodkvEhZ2FezjP0sJwhK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Oped Columnists
US holds on to UN panel seat
The United States yesterday joined Germany and Ireland in winning re-election to the UN Human Rights Council.There were three seats available to represent the council’s Western Group. The other two contestants, Greece and Sweden, failed to garner sufficient votes from the General Assembly’s 193 members.US Ambassador...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 00:57:47 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/us_holds_on_to_un_panel_seat_07BsIBdLr4c6kpmbl0ShVO?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

Hammer attack on shrinkBy LARRY CELONA and NATASHA VELEZ
A deranged man yesterday attacked a Manhattan psychiatrist with a sledgehammer and knife in his home office, police said.Michael Weiss, 38, was meeting with Jacob Nolan in his 12th-floor office on West 57th Street at about 10.25 a.m. when Nolan apparently snapped and bashed him with the...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 00:54:01 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/hammer_attack_on_shrink_gXQKMf5fqqCz3pM9GUsSPK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=

UN asked to free bond boatBusinessBUENOS AIRES — Argentina will ask a UN court to order the release of a navy sailing ship seized in Ghana unless the African country releases today, officials announced.The ARA Libertad training ship was seized on Oct. 2 in the port of Tema as collateral for unpaid bonds dating from...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 00:27:57 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/un_asked_to_free_bond_boat_iQcg18IyPj1GXHDp0vBUPL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Businesshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/un_asked_to_free_bond_boat_iQcg18IyPj1GXHDp0vBUPL?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Business
Greece gets reprieveBusiness Greece’s lenders agreed to give the debt-ridden country two more years to make the cuts demanded of it, but the euro zone and IMF clashed over a longer-term target date to shrink debt. Euro zone finance ministers did not disburse more aid and by granting a request for more...Tue, 13 Nov 2012 00:27:55 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/greece_gets_reprieve_WSgm4SzzLWMAvhwc0qRMxJ?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Businesshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/greece_gets_reprieve_WSgm4SzzLWMAvhwc0qRMxJ?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Business
Google facing FTC ultimatumBusiness Google is being pressed by Federal Trade Commission Chairman Jonathan Leibowitz to offer to resolve the agency’s antitrust investigation in the next few days or face a lawsuit, two people familiar with the matter said.
Google has been in discussions with the agency for about two weeks and hasn...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 00:27:53 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/google_facing_ftc_ultimatum_6yZRnNFKmKWTvokbzVwxRK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Businesshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/google_facing_ftc_ultimatum_6yZRnNFKmKWTvokbzVwxRK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Business
NBCU lays off 450, shakes up ‘Today’By CLAIRE ATKINSONBusinessComcast’s NBCUniversal is laying off hundreds of staff in another round of belt-tightening.
The pink slips will take place across the board and will affect about 450 employees, or 1.5 percent of the total staff, according to insiders.
Earlier this year, NBC cut about two dozen staffers on...
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 00:27:05 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/nbcu_lays_off_shakes_up_today_wxJULsc78DowCQReG59MfK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Businesshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/nbcu_lays_off_shakes_up_today_wxJULsc78DowCQReG59MfK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Business
Savanna’s 17th St. sojournBy STEVE CUOZZOCommercialSavanna is adding two loft-style Chelsea office buildings to its growing collection — 245 and 249 W. 17th St.
The aggressive real estate private-equity and asset management firm just bought the properties from the Pressman family for a price not yet disclosed. The buildings have a combined 284,000 square feet...
Mon, 12 Nov 2012 23:54:12 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/realestate/commercial/savanna_th_st_sojourn_i08BYDET6bPnLtVduGlO4M?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Commercialhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/realestate/commercial/savanna_th_st_sojourn_i08BYDET6bPnLtVduGlO4M?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Commercial
Traders limber up for their race to the exitsBy JOHN CRUDELEBusinessIn my column last Thursday I wrote you an upbeat, patriotic song to make you feel better. Today, I’m going to make you feel lousy again.And I’m going to bore you as well. (Hey, no need to thank me.)This column is about the stock market and...Mon, 12 Nov 2012 23:32:53 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/traders_limber_up_for_their_race_ALiKcXCkrRkcqFvXsmJGbP?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Businesshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/traders_limber_up_for_their_race_ALiKcXCkrRkcqFvXsmJGbP?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Business
Business briefsBusinessDown on oilHedge funds trimmed bullish bets on crude to the lowest in more than two years as demand fell in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, production increased to the highest since 1994 and President Barack Obama won re-election.BB10 dateResearch in Motion plans to introduce its new BlackBerry 10...Mon, 12 Nov 2012 23:28:02 -0500http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/business_briefs_U7VcZrzblc0F7nAITqBuJK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Businesshttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/business_briefs_U7VcZrzblc0F7nAITqBuJK?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Business
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